
VIBRANT physical vitality

Sessions with Danielle

  • In-person sessions

    Begin your wellness journey with a personalized fusion of Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, Craniosacral Fascial therapy, Visceral Manipulation, and Quantum Harmonization Body Processes.

    Schedule here.

  • Remote Sessions

    Refresh and reset with Quantum Harmonization Body Processes, performed remotely. Also available: personalized hypnosis, timeline therapy, neuro-linguistic programming.

    Schedule here.

  • Quantum Harmonization: Homes, Buildings & Land Processes

    Quantum Harmonization Homes, Buildings, & Land Processes are dynamic healing energies that address challenges and unwanted energies in places and spaces. Feel supported by your space, and in other areas of your life. Can be done remotely or in-person around Austin, TX. To schedule, contact Danielle.

Explore a new way to support your body with a

cellCore parasite cleanse

Collaborate with Danielle to see what’s possible with your wellness, health, and vitality.