Pregnancy, not yet pregnant, and children

During Pregnancy and first 2 months of breastfeeding:

  • No parasite cleanse or detoxification, so DO NOT embark on a foundational or comprehensive protocol right now

  • Approved for Pregnancy (start at ¼ – ½ dosing)

    Click on supplements above to read more about them. There are also a few others that are safe when working with your practitioner.

    OF COURSE- check with your doctor before starting any new supplements

Not yet pregnant:

  • It can be interesting to support your body with a foundational or comprehensive protocol prior to trying to get pregnant

    • It’s possible that babies are born with parasites from their parents (my little ones have passed parasites already)

    • If you are having a hard time getting pregnant, many have found it helpful to go through a foundational or comprehensive protocol to detox, release parasites, and balance hormones.

      • S-TRO is a product that supports healthy estrogen levels and can be added onto a protocol for extra support

        • It helps fertility, healthy libido, healthy metabolism, improved digestion, mood support, normal adrenal response, and skin health

        • It CANNOT be taken during pregnancy

      • For more info on infertility and the role of environmental toxins, checkout this article.

On a personal note, I know what it’s like to be labeled with “PCOS” and “Infertility”. I know how it feels to want to be pregnant, to experience a miscarriage, and to trust in the process again. If you are on that journey, you are not alone and I’m sending you SO much love.

In my own life, I can share that changing my diet and reducing my toxic load was very helpful. I had to really advocate for my FULL thyroid panel to be drawn. I also moved on from several doctors whose recommendations didn’t align with me. Never underestimate your own inner guidance.

CellCore and children faq

Can my kid do a protocol?

Yes, CellCore protocols have been helpful for children, including toddlers, at the right dosage. Talk with your CellCore provider about dosing and discuss with your pediatrician prior to starting any program.

How do you get kids to take the supplements?

The pills open up easily and powder mixes well into smoothies, or sprinkled on toast. My kids are VERY particular so we decided on a special "honey mixture” which is honey, a little almond butter or peanut butter, and a dash of maple syrup with the supplements mixed in. Served in a sacred cup to make it extra special and they gobble it up!

If you are giving your little ones para 1, it’s very sticky when you open it up. Try mixing in maple syrup.

You cannot bake the supplements or expose them to excessive heat.

How do i know what to put them on?

Talk with your provider about what they’re experiencing and they can help you come up with a plan. The same strategy applies to kids: open drainage first, so step 1/phase 1 is usually a good place to start.

What symptoms might be helped with cellcore products?

These supplements might be helpful with little ones who’ve been exposed to mold, Lyme, are constantly getting sick, or are struggling with skin issues such as eczema, to name a few. If you feel something is not right, follow that intuition and chat with your doctor, and perhaps a CellCore provider.

My kids were constantly sick at daycare (one cold after the other). After putting them on Step 1, we made it a full month without missing school, and when they did get colds it was milder.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*Check with your healthcare practitioner if you are nursing, pregnant, are under 18, or following a doctor-prescribed protocol

*These are my observations and recommendations based on experience, and not necessarily the public stance from CellCore.


What to Expect