What to expect
More energy…YIPPEE! The supplements help to support your mitochondria, so you may notice you have a bit more pep.
It’s important to have at least 2-3 bowel movements a day, starting in the first phase. If you have trouble going 2-3 times a day, Bowel Mover is a great (natural) support you can order in addition to step/phase 1. In fact, I recommend you have a bottle on hand even if you DO typically go that much, because as you move through the steps/phases you may feel more constipated with some supplements.
You may start to notice improvement in your immune system during this phase. When my kids are on it, they get sick less often at school.
Remember- always take CellCore at least 2 hours away from other pharmaceuticals (discuss with your doctor prior to starting).
Here we go! This is where you start releasing parasites. It may take 3-4 days for your body to adjust to these new supplements. Some stomach discomfort is common and usually resolves within 1 week. For me, I was still able to work and see clients, although it was nice to have a little extra time in the morning.
When a parasite is coming out, your stools may be looser than normal, and you may have some cramping or bloating before the bowel movement. It’s common for the smell to be different. Tapeworms are the most common parasites to see in your stool. MOST of the time they come out fully in your stool. It’s possible for one to not fully make it into the toilet, in which case you may see it when you wipe. If one didn’t fully make it out, grasp it with toilet paper close to your body (don’t pull from the end of the worm).
You may have DIE OFF SYMPTOMS when releasing parasites. Parasites eat heavy metals, toxins, viruses, mold, and bacteria. As you shift into a new way of being, it’s possible to feel symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, body aches/pains. If this happens for you, talk with your provider about decreasing your dosage. You can also support your body with Visceral Manipulation (find a practitioner here), epsom salt baths, and good hydration.
Parasites eat up emotions, so when they die, it’s possible to re-experience those emotions as they are also released. If this happens, it is helpful to notice how you’re feeling without judging it. Usually these symptoms are short-lived.
For me, I felt a big energetic release whenever a parasite came out. There are certain types of parasites that are related to anxiety/depression. When I released one of those, I felt a HUGE rush of joy and excitement for life. It’s interesting to notice, without judgement.
Whoopie! You’re onto another level of releasing parasites. For this phase, you may also feel die off/detox symptoms. If it’s impacting your life, reach out to Danielle. Make sure your drainage funnel is still open (i.e. Are you pooping 1-2 times a day? Does your body need additional support such as visceral manipulation?)
It’s common for the change in supplements to take a few days to a week for your body to adjust. Some people notice more constipation, or slight upset stomach when making the transition to step 3/phase 3.
If you’ve had a break in releasing parasites, don’t be surprised if you get more parasites out in this phase!
This step/phase is supporting detox, liver health, and the gut microbiome.
Step 4 is the last month of the 4 month protocol. Phase 4A and 4B are each 2 months long in the Comprehensive Protocol.
This step/phase is supporting systemic detox. You’re also supporting the gut microbiome, and lymphatic drainage. You target fungus including mold and candida with the introduction of Para 4.
Woo hoo! Phase 5. Usually taken at the same time as Phase 4B, this phase provides deeper immune support and targets Lyme and co-infections such as Babesia, & Bartonella. Interesting observation: a common symptom of Babesia can be neck pain/tightness, especially at the occiput.
Step 1 & Phase 1
Include the same products
Foundational (4 month) Protocol calls them “steps”
Comprehensive (9 month) Protocol calls them “phases”
More energy…YIPPEE! The supplements help to support your mitochondria, so you may notice you have a bit more pep.
It’s important to have at least 2-3 bowel movements a day, starting in the first phase. If you have trouble going 2-3 times a day, Bowel Mover is a great (natural) support you can order in addition to step/phase 1. In fact, I recommend you have a bottle on hand even if you DO typically go that much, because as you move through the steps/phases you may feel more constipated.
You may start to notice improvement in your immune system during this phase. When my kids are on it, they get sick less often at school.
Always take CellCore supplements at least 2 hours away from pharmaceuticals.
You can open the BioToxin Binder pill and put in a smoothie or glass of water and drink, to allow for upper GI binding. Not necessary, just an extra bonus.
Place your order for next month prior to running out of pills. It can take 1-2 weeks for shipments to be delivered. Once you start on a protocol, it’s helpful to be consistent because you’re preparing your body for what comes next.
Many people are ready to move onto Step 2 or Phase 2 after one month on Step 1/Phase 1. You know you’re ready to move on when you are having 2-3 bowel movements a day and feeling like you’re tolerating the supplements well.
If you have a lot of health challenges, it may be supportive to stay on this phase longer. Reach out to me if you’re not sure, and we’ll ask your body.
If you are having a lot of symptoms in this phase (i.e. stomach discomfort, fatigue, etc.) please reach out to me so we can collaborate on a plan.
Step 1 & Phase 1 Schedule
Take CellCore supplements
2 hours away from pharmaceuticals
Step 2 & Phase 2
Here we go! This is where you start releasing parasites. It may take 3-4 days for your body to adjust to these new supplements. Some stomach discomfort is common and usually resolves within 1 week. For me, I was still able to work and see clients, although it was nice to have a little extra time in the morning.
When a parasite is coming out, your stools may be looser than normal, and you may have some cramping or bloating before the bowel movement. It’s common for the smell to be different. Tapeworms are the most common parasites to see in your stool. MOST of the time they come out fully in your stool. It’s possible for one to not fully make it into the toilet, in which case you may see it when you wipe. If one didn’t fully make it out, grasp it with toilet paper close to your body (don’t pull from the end of the worm).
Parasites eat up emotions, so when they die, it’s possible to re-experience those emotions as they are also released. If this happens, it is helpful to notice how you’re feeling without judging it. Usually these symptoms are short-lived.
For me, I felt a big energetic release whenever a parasite came out. There are certain types of parasites that are related to anxiety/depression. When I released one of those, I felt a HUGE rush of joy and excitement for life. It’s interesting to notice, without judgement.
You may have DIE OFF SYMPTOMS when releasing parasites. Parasites eat heavy metals, toxins, viruses, mold, and bacteria. As you shift into a new way of being, it’s possible to feel symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, body aches/pains. If this happens for you, talk with your provider about decreasing your dosage.
For me, during this phase, I sometimes felt VERY bloated the day before releasing parasites. It was a great time to practice gratitude for my body and non-judgment.
You can support your body with Visceral Manipulation (find a practitioner here), epsom salt baths, and lots of high quality hydration (distilled water with minerals added or perhaps Mountain Valley Spring Water).
Receiving energetic support might be interesting during this time. Let me know if I can support you in this way.
You’re doing a lot in this phase! What would extreme self-care look like for you?
Drink LOTS of water. Especially when taking para 1 and 2 in the morning and at night.
I’ve found the longer you can wait to eat after taking Para 1 and Para 2 in the morning, the better. Leave AT LEAST 1 hour between taking Para 1/2 and eating breakfast or taking other pills.
You may notice you release more parasites during the full moon. I didn’t believe this but it SURE did happen. Phase 2 of the protocol is for 2 months, step 2 is generally for 1 month. HOWEVER- always listen to your body (or talk to your practitioner). Some people choose to stay on this phase a little longer.
Step 2 is (generally) 1 month long and Phase 2 is (generally) 2 months long. However, you can be in Step 2/Phase 2 longer, if needed. I prefer to purchase my supplements 1-2 months at a time so I can adjust depending on what my body is asking for.
Phase 2 includes “Advanced TUDCA”, which Step 2 does not. TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid) is a bile acid that activates the release of bile into the gut, promoting natural detoxification processes. There has been A TON of research on TUDCA you can check out here. TUDCA has implications with the liver, brain, cardiovascular system, hormones, pregnancy, diabetes, bone health, immune system, eyes and more.
My experience with Phase 2 of CellCore.
Step 2 Schedule
Phase 2 Schedule
Step 3 & Phase 3
If you thought, “there can’t possibly be more worms in me” - you might be surprised! This step/phase goes deeper and is releasing parasites throughout the body. You may see more parasites coming out (or you might not see them). For me, it was multiple parasites per day with the addition of para 3, especially when I increased the dosage of Para 3 to one dropper full.
I also had one worm come out my nose when I blew my nose (this was prior to using Para 3 in the neti pot). I credit Para 3 with this.
Some people experience more abdominal discomfort as they get used to the Para 3 product, so it’s okay to start slow (5-10 drops in water) and work your way up.
You may have DIE OFF SYMPTOMS when releasing parasites. Parasites eat heavy metals, toxins, viruses, mold, and bacteria. As you shift into a new way of being, it’s possible to feel symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, body aches/pains. If this happens for you, talk with your provider about decreasing your dosage.
For me during this phase, my symptoms weren’t as noticeable as in Phase 2. I did notice some abdominal discomfort on days I released a lot of parasites. And I mean A LOT of parasites.
You can support your body with Visceral Manipulation (find a practitioner here), epsom salt baths, and lots of high quality hydration (distilled water with minerals added).
Receiving energetic support might be interesting during this time. Let me know if I can support you in this way.
You’re doing a lot in this phase! What are you holding onto that, if you released it, would allow you more space and freedom?
Drink LOTS of water. Especially when taking para 1 in the morning and at night.
It’s best to take Para 3 on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before a meal OR 2-3 hours after you eat. It’s also important to take Para 3 at least 30 minutes from Advanced TUDCA, Lymph Active, or KL support. This took some getting used to with my schedule, but I really noticed a difference when I followed this. I took Para 3 thirty minutes before eating, and took my other pills (aside from Para 1) after eating.
Start gently on Para 3 (10 drops in a little water, or 5 drops, if you’re sensitive). I worked my way up to 2 dropper-fulls in about 1 cup of water. Para 3 tastes “herby” so I adjusted the amount of water to find my sweet spot. I saw many more parasites when I increased to 1 dropper full. An aggressive dose would be 3 dropper-fulls, 3 times a day.
You may notice you release more parasites during the full moon, so that might be an interesting time to increase the dose of Para 3.
Step 3 is (generally) 1 month long and Phase 3 is (generally) 2 months long. However, I encourage you to listen to your body. Some people may need more time in this step/phase.
Here are the differences between the protocols:
Phase 3 includes LymphActiv (which Step 3 does not). LymphActiv is a blend of herbs that support lymph movement, the adrenal glands, liver function, immunity, and mental clarity.
Phase 3 also includes BC-ATP (which was present in Step 2/Phase 2). It supports metabolism, detox, and can support protocol tolerance.
Step 3 includes Advanced TUDCA for the first time (it’s also included in Phase 2, so Phase 3 does not have it- you just continue taking the leftovers from Phase 2). For more info on advanced TUDCA see this section under Step 2/Phase 2.
Para 3 was developed to address Strongyloides and liver flukes, but it addresses all types of parasites. It’s aggressive in removing threadworms, roundworms, and parasites in the lungs, liver, and systemically throughout the body, including tapeworm, Clostridium (C-Diff), and Blastocystis hominis (B-hominis). It is also effective against bacteria. Chat with Danielle on this phase about dosage for Para 3 (or reference your client handout).
Step 3 Schedule
Phase 3 Schedule
Step 4 & Phase 4a
For many people, this phase does not feel as potent as step 3/phase 3.
Step 4 and Phase 4A both have BC-ATP (to support mitochondria), HM-ET Binder (to bind heavy metals and environmental toxins) and Para 4 (also known as the "fungus destroyer" or "bacteria buster".
Phase 4A also contains KL support for drainage, while Step 3 contains LymphActive. (LymphActive is in Phase 3, so if you're doing the longer protocol, you just finished a month of that).
Phase 4A also includes CT-Biotic (a pre and pro biotic). It's very helpful for gut terrain.
Step 4 Schedule
Step 4 is the end of the foundational protocol.
Phase 4A Schedule
The Comprehensive Protocol continues with Phase 4b and Phase 5:
Comprehensive Protocol only
Phase 4B and Phase 5
1 Month of Phase 4B then
1 Month of Phase 4B + Phase 5
Phase 4b introduces metabolic activator, which can be supportive. Most people don't find it as intense as phase 2/phase 3.
After one month on phase 4b, you add phase 5 (while taking your second month of 4b). This is where it is common to experience die off symptoms/detox symptoms. Work with your provider to titrate your dosing to a manageable level.
Some of the IS products contain herbs with blood-thinning qualities.
You should discuss with your doctor prior to starting any supplements. You can print out the Phase 5 information sheet above and share with your provider.
The IS products in phase 5 are potent. Work closely with your provider and start only 1 product at a time, at a low dose, and slowly work up. In phase 5, you work up to "full dose" on the first tincture before adding the second. Finish the first tincture before adding the third.
Phase 4b Schedule
Phase 5 Schedule
need to order from cellcore?
Book an initial (gifted) CellCore Consultation here and we can chat all things CellCore, and explore if this might be fun for you right now. Or, contact me.
After we chat, I’ll create a CellCore account for you, and you’ll be able to order products directly from CellCore when you need them. You will have free access to the Foundational Protocol Course and the Comprehensive Protocol Course on my website, which walk you through each month. If you’d like more support during your journey, consider an individual session or package with me.
If you’re already working with a provider and would like to switch to me, let me know. I would love to support you.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*Check with your healthcare practitioner if you are nursing, pregnant, are under 18, or following a doctor-prescribed protocol
With purchasing products through Danielle, you agree that you’ve discussed starting these supplements with your healthcare provider.
Danielle is not liable for any reactions you (or anyone you purchase for) have to CellCore’s products.