What is a parasite cleanse?

A natural way to release parasites (tapeworms, roundworms, and more) from your body and FEEL LIKE YOURSELF.

CellCore is a company with natural products that WORK to get rid of parasites, and go deeper into detoxing and healing from chronic infections and illness.

  • If you’re on this planet, you have them. Parasites are a part of life. We de-worm our horses every year, why would it be different with us?

    Some say they are not common in the United States, however I have yet to meet a person in the United States who did NOT release some type of parasite on these products.

    In fact, in some cultures, it’s common to take the same seed that is used in CellCore’s Para 1 product yearly.

  • Often from the food we eat (meat, fruits and vegetables, etc) and from water. They can also be passed to us from pets.

  • The most common is for them to pass through your stool. Yes, they are dead when they come out.

  • There are many different types of parasites (of many sizes). Some are worms and look like strings, some are eggs and look like specs of salt in your stool. If you don't know what to look for, you might not recognize them.

    We’re only able to see about 30% of the parasites that we pass. Many are microscopic. For example, babeisa and toxoplasma gondii can’t be seen with the naked eye.

  • Parasites can cause a range of symptoms including food cravings, bloating, nausea, food sensitivities, pain, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, depression, and so much more!

    CellCore products have been helpful for people with PCOS, infertility, Lyme’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Sarcoidosis, eczema, mold exposure, autoimmune disease, and more.

    Parasites eat heavy metals, viruses, and bacteria, so to FULLY address chronic infections like Lyme’s disease, it’s important to take care of the parasites first.

    There’s also evidence that certain types of parasites can increase your risk of certain types of cancer.

  • Nope. If you are already pregnant or actively trying, best to wait on the parasite cleanse. There are CellCore products that are approved for pregnancy, but not the ones that do deep detox and get rid of parasites.

    For people with infertility, it can be helpful to get rid of toxins and parasites. Many have found it easier to get pregnant after completing the Comprehensive Protocol. If you are actively trying to conceive or could be pregnant, I WOULD NOT embark on this journey yet.

there are 2 protocols that excel at clearing parasites:

CellCore’s Comprehensive Protocol

-9 months, 5 “phases”

-Goes deeper than foundational protocol with ~ 1 more product each month (except first month)

-Can be done in 4 months (see Expedited Comprehensive)

-4 months, 4 “steps”

- Great if no major health challenges

-First month is the same as first month of Comprehensive Protocol.

-You can choose to repeat months, if needed

CellCore’s Foundational Protocol

Why these protocols?

Watch videos below:

Drainage vs detox

Learn why it’s important to support your body’s drainage pathways FIRST prior to detoxing/releasing parasites. This will help you feel better FASTER with less symptoms.

Roadmap to Health: Understanding the 5 phases

A brief description of the 5 phases of Cell Core’s Comprehensive Protocol. Learn how you’re supporting your body at each phase. You are doing much more for your health than JUST passing parasites.

Benefits of cellCore

I encourage you to do your own research when choosing a supplement company. Here’s some more information about CellCore:

  • CellCore uses carbon technology, derived from fulvic and humic acid. This technology helps the body to naturally detox, and supports cellular repair.

    The carbon technology is a selective binder, which means it won’t deplete the good stuff and it actually reduces toxicity. It can be taken with or without food, unlike traditional binders. Many binders (i.e. bentonite clay) are only comprised of large chain carbon, and thus can only stay in the gut. CellCore products contains small, medium AND large chain carbons, which allows it to be absorbed systemically.

  • CellCore tests the vibrational frequency of each product. They update their products when research supports it, and won’t sell a sub-par product.

  • CellCore bases their protocols on research, and the protocols and products sometimes change as new information becomes available. The order in which products are introduced is intentional and specific to prepare the body for what comes next. This supports the body in the detoxification and healing process.

    Let me know if there is a particular condition you are curious about and I can share the available research.

How much does CellCore Cost?

Foundational Protocol

  • $263.80 for 1 month of 4 products

  • $246.80 for one month of 4 products

  • $306.75 for one month of 5 products

  • $267.80 for one month of 4 products

  • There are additional products that can be helpful as well as “add ons”. The most popular are Bowel Mover ($49.95) and Drainage Activator ($59.95).

    Your body may require additional support during the protocol. Discuss with your provider to customize. For example, S-TRO ($59.95) is often added for hormone support.

You do not save any money buying the products all at once. If you spend over $500, it’s free shipping.

Most people buy 1-2 months at a time, so they can customize the protocol as needed. For example, you may choose to repeat month 2 or 3 if you are releasing a lot of parasites.

How Much does CellCore Cost?

Comprehensive Protocol

  • $263.80 for one month of 4 products. Note, this is the same as "Step 1" and "Jumpstart Kit".

  • $336.75 for one month of 5 products.

    In the Comprehensive Protocol, you take Phase 2 for 2 months.

    In the Expedited Comprehensive Protocol, you take Phase 2 for 1 month.

  • $340.70 for one month of 6 products.

    In the Comprehensive Protocol, you take Phase 3 for 2 months.

    In the Expedited Comprehensive Protocol, you take Phase 3 for 1 month.

  • $331.75 for one month of 5 products.

    In the Comprehensive Protocol, you take Phase 4A for 2 months.

    In the Expedited Comprehensive Protocol, you take Phase 4A for 1 month.

  • $342.75 for one month of 5 products.

    In the Comprehensive Protocol, you take Phase 4B for 2 months. The last month of Phase 4B is usually done in conjunction with Phase 5.

  • $332.65 for 5 products (lasts about 1 month).

    This is typically taken at the same time as the second month of Phase 4B.

  • There are additional products that can be helpful as “add ons”. The most popular are Bowel Mover ($49.95) and Drainage Activator ($59.95).

    Your body may require additional support as you move through the protocol. Discuss with your provider to customize. For example, S-TRO ($59.95) is often added for hormone support.

How to start

Always check with your doctor prior to starting something new.

CellCore supplements should be taken at least 2 hours away from pharmaceuticals.

In order to purchase CellCore products, you must work with a practitioner.

  • If I’m your gal (or you want to explore if I’m your gal), schedule a remote initial consultation here

    • We’ll chat about CellCore and if you decide to order, I’ll send you a link to create a CellCore account.

      • You’ll then be able to order from CellCore’s website.

I’m here to support you

There are ways to customize each protocol. We’re all different- what would be most supportive for YOUR body? We’ll talk about this on our introductory call. I’ll also send you a handout with tips/tricks for each phase/step.

If you are having detox symptoms or not tolerating the supplements well, PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME. I’ve been through it and can help make suggestions. You may need to back down to a lower dose or add additional support to your body. If you’d like more individual support, schedule a support session here. We can chat about dosage, products, and/or support your body with some Quantum Harmonization energy processes.

I also love supporting clients energetically when releasing parasites. I invite you to schedule a remote Quantum Harmonization session with me during Step/Phase 2 or 3 if you’d like to explore this more.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*Check with your healthcare practitioner if you are nursing, pregnant, are under 18, or following a doctor-prescribed protocol.

With purchasing products through Danielle, you agree that you’ve discussed starting these supplements with your healthcare provider.

Danielle is not liable for any reactions you (or anyone you purchase for) have to CellCore’s products.


What to Expect