Other Practitioners:


Looking for other ways to support your body, mind, and spirit? Check out these amazing practitioners!



In Home Organization


Hello Homespace is an in-home organization business that offers a holistic approach to organizing your space, addressing both the physical clutter and energetic blockages that accumulate over time.  Their services can accommodate all aspects of your space, whether you want to declutter and organize, clear unwanted energies, or a combination of the two.

Explore more here.


Holistic Health Coach


Jessica Messa is a Holistic Health Coach that focuses on helping clients incorporate a healthy diet into their everyday lives. She teaches clients how to listen to their bodies and plan ahead to ensure healthy food is always near. She also focuses on clearing out limiting beliefs around food that hold clients back on their journey.

Jessica serves as a [Self] Development Guide as well, for women seeking to get in tune with their true essence. She teaches women to come back into their body and begin making decisions from a place of knowing. Her approach is centered around self awareness, self love, and self embodiment for her clients.

Explore more here.


Hypnotist & Transformative Therapist


Krista Jack is certified in hypnotherapy, hypnosis, Rapid Transformation Therapy–or RTT, neurolinguistics programming (NLP) and several other healing modalities. She guides her clients through an individualized approach to help them move beyond their fears, limiting habits and beliefs and into greater self-empowerment and wholeness. Through her unique method, her clients experience gentle yet profound change mentally, emotionally, physically and energetically. In addition to this, she has had a career as an environmental scientist for over 25 years and uses her scientific background to support clients through their comprehensive shifts. Find out more here.


Supportive Resources